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Ruth Favela
By Ruth Favela
Ruth Favela
Ruth Favela
Ruth Favela is Tomorrow.io's AI Marketer. She draws on over 5 years of experience as an editor, writer, and social media manager for AI startups, B2B SaaS, and B2C products. In her role, Ruth focuses on using AI tools to create customer-first content for the various industries Tomorrow.io has solutions for. She writes about weather innovations, AI/ML modeling, weather API applications, weather AI use cases, and much more.
Jul 5, 2023· 4 min

Announcing the Harness the Weather Hackathon with Postman and Tomorrow.io

    Postman and Tomorrow.io invite you to take on the challenge of innovating how we understand, interact with, and utilize weather data in this month’s Harness the Weather Hackathon, which is running now through August 1, 2023.

    Tomorrow.io’s high-precision Weather API provides real-time, forecast, and historical data for any location across the globe. But this is more than just a data repository; the API is loaded with the utility to drive specific use cases. 

    Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create a powerful backend application using the Tomorrow.io API that fundamentally transforms how weather data can solve real-world problems. We’re not looking for just any solution; we’re seeking applications that think outside the box, leveraging the intrinsic value and versatility of the Weather API.

    You will be expected to deliver a Postman Collection complete with detailed recipes or code guides along with your application. Your project should demonstrate a robust understanding of the API’s capabilities and illustrate creative and practical uses of weather data that can potentially transform industries, communities, and the world.

    Whether it’s optimizing supply chain logistics, improving disaster management strategies, enhancing agricultural practices, or delivering personalized lifestyle recommendations, the possibilities are endless. However, your solution should be more than just inventive—it should be applicable, scalable, and valuable.

    So, are you ready to shape the future of weather data utilization? Time to put on your coding caps, tap into your inner innovator, and show us how you would “harness the weather.”

    Remember, this isn’t just a code fest; it’s a creativity challenge. Show us the power of weather data through your transformative backend solution. Read all the details below—and then let the coding begin!

    Powered by Postman and Tomorrow.io

    Submissions for the Harness the Weather Hackathon must be Postman Collections incorporating Tomorrow.io’s API suite hosted on the Public API Network. From chatbots powered by Postman Flows or Postman Monitors to your own custom API, we want to see how you would build with Tomorrow.io. 

    How to Participate

    1️. Register for the hackathon through the provided registration link and obtain a key to Tomorrow.io’s API.

    2. Fork and watch Tomorrow.io’s Postman Collection in your own public workspace.

    3️. Familiarize yourself with the Weather API and build your own weather-focused application in Postman using a Postman Collection with a Postman workflow.

    4️. Create a two-minute demo video showcasing your Postman Collection and its outcomes. 

    5️. Submit your link by August 1, 2023, 11:59pm (PT) via the submission link Postman will email all registrants in the final week of the hackathon.

    Prizes and Recognition

    Aside from the thrill of coding and collaborating with fellow weather enthusiasts, exciting prizes are up for grabs! The winner of the Harness the Weather Hackathon will receive the following:

    • Tomorrow.io Incentive Prize: US$1,000
    • US$100 Postman swag gift card: Show off your love for Postman with cool swag!
    • Mention in a Postman blog post: Your project will get recognition on the Postman blog and gain exposure to a global audience of fellow developers and industry professionals.
    • Recognition at ClimaCon: Your solution will be spotlighted at ClimaCon, the world’s leading weather and climate security conference, bringing together thousands of prominent voices in weather, ESG, and more.
    • Social media recognition: You and your innovative solution will earn recognition on Tomorrow.io and Postman’s social media channels showcasing exemplary work to a broader audience.

    Judging Criteria

    Winners will be selected based on the following criteria:

    • Postman Collection and recipes: Is your API call collection comprehensive? Are your code guides (or “recipes”) detailed and illustrative of your application’s function?
    • Documentation: Does your Postman Collection have proper documentation that describes your project clearly? 
    • Innovation and originality: Is your solution creative and innovative? Does it introduce new ways of thinking about or working with weather data?
    • Presentation clarity: Have you effectively communicated your ideas, methodologies, and results in an engaging and coherent presentation?
    • Real-world impact: Does your application offer practical benefits? Have you identified a problem and used the Weather API to address it effectively?
    • API feature usage: How effectively have you utilized the unique features and capabilities of the Weather API?
    • Code accessibility and transparency: As part of your submission, your code should be made available on a public repository, such as GitHub, for review and collaboration.
    • API reference and acknowledgment: Your public posting must include the following disclaimer: This was powered by Tomorrow.io Weather API as part of the “Harness the Weather Hackathon” to enable others to understand the tools used for your application development.

    Meet the Judges

    Your solutions will be evaluated by an esteemed panel of judges, including:

    Stay tuned for more hackathon-related blog posts and updates for inspiration. We can’t wait to see how you code for a weather-informed future!

    For support on any projects or questions, please email [email protected].

    *Originally published on Postman.com

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