Broadcast Operations
Use weather intelligence to minimize weather related disruptions, avoid equipment damage, and ensure proper placement and safety of crews.
Sporting events cancelled due to adverse weather costs professional sports franchises an average of $10 million per game.
Stadium/Field A
Court/Course/Resort B
Insight In this Dashboard
severity - 4 extreme
Monitor Conditions: Lightning Risk
Lightning approaching the venue location. Continuously monitor the approaching weather. Prepare equipment and plan to take shelter.
severity - 3 sever
Implement Moderate Winds Protocol
Prep for escalation. Lower equipment, camera poles, etc. Place crews appropriately. Retract van roof cover. Add wind direction for more accurate monitoring.
severity - 4 extreme
Implement Extreme Winds Protocol
Prepare for potential satellite disconnections. Lower equipment, camera poles, etc. Place crews appropriately. Retract van roof cover. Add wind direction for more accurate monitoring.
severity - 3 sever
Secure Cables: Flood Warning
Possible flooding in the area. Make sure all cables and equipment are above ground to avoid any electrical damage.
severity - 2 moderate
Implement Extreme Heat Protocol
Ensure crews are properly hydrated. Turn on AC and monitor equipment conditions.
severity - 1 minor
Cover Equipment: Heavy Rain
Ensure all equipment is covered and waterproof to prevent any corrosion and damage.
severity - 2 moderate
Prep Generators: High Power Surge
Stadiums can potentially experience a high power surge in extreme temps, and require broadcast companies to disconnect from utilities. Be prepared ahead of time.