Plan ahead of time for weather related delays. Adjust schedules to play around various conditions like low visibility and rain, and ensure participants safety.
Increase food and beverage sales by 15% and save tens of thousands of dollars per day on more efficient staffing and operations
Stadium/Field A
Court/Course/Resort B
Insight In this Dashboard
severity - 3 sever
Consider Postponing Game: Unhealthy Air Quality
Consider postponing game due to un-healthy air quality.
severity - 4 extreme
Suspend/Delay Match: Lightning & Thunder
Suspend game, thunderstorms with the threat of lightning within ~10 miles of the field. All players and employees to seek shelter.
severity - 3 sever
Consider Shotgun Games: Heavy Rain Expected
The course should run a shotgun, which means everyone starts at the same time at different holes, which allows them to at least get half utilization instead of just running all tee-times from the first hole. Reconfiguring the tee-sheet to maximizing utilization.
severity - 3 sever
Difficult Shots: High Winds
Prep for challenging conditions during the game. Secure equipment, and consider to postpone game if winds escalate.
severity - 2 moderate
Difficult Shots: Low Visibility
Prep for challenging conditions during the game.
severity - 2 moderate
Extreme Heat: Stay Hydrated
Schedule frequent breaks in cool, shaded areas.