Manage high risk thresholds for winter operational efficiency calibrated to weather parameters impact and protocols. Improve efficiency and resource management. Optimize staff scheduling and ensure employees, equipment, and skiers safety.
Stadium/Field A
Court/Course/Resort B
Insight In this Dashboard
severity - 4 extreme
Secure Equipment: Extreme winds
High wind gusts, secure all equipment
severity - 0 unknown
Snow making – Ideal Conditions
Ideal conditions for Snow Making. Maximize efforts during these times.
severity - 3 sever
Cancel Trail Grooming Operations: Low Visibility
Cancel night shift snowcat procedure due to severe weather and low visibility.
severity - 2 moderate
Lift Operations: Moderate High Winds Risk
High Wind Alert. Moderate Risk currently. Begin preparations to possibly close Lift Operations. If conditions forecast to worsen, consider closing down early.
severity - 2 moderate
Mountain Restaurants: Increase Inventory/Staff
Increase inventory and staff due to poor skiing conditions. Up all inventory orders in preparation for this winter event. Ensure Overtime is posted in advance.
severity - 4 extreme
Shut Down Lift Operations: High Winds
Close down Lift Operations due to high wind speeds or gusts. Close Lifts 30 minutes prior to high wind conditions. Ensure all guests and personnel are accounted for and safely sheltered.
severity - 2 moderate
Ski Patrol: Moderate Ice Alert
Make Preparations to close hills/lifts if conditions worsen. Ensure all personnel are dressed and equipped with all safety gear.
severity - 3 sever
Ski Patrol: Severe Ice Alert
Ice conditions are severe. Close any affected hills, lifts and areas. Ensure all guests and resort personnel are accounted for.
severity - 0 unknown
Snow Making: Ideal Conditions
Expect a large influx of guest rentals. Prep staff and insure inventory is ready and cleaned.
severity - 2 moderate
Snow Making: Suspend Operations In High Winds
Suspend all Snow Making Operations due to high winds.