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Motor Sports

Understand how various weather conditions are going to impact driving, race operations, travel, and every other part of your Racing Team, while improving sustainability efforts.

Extreme weather events can cause race car accidents, resulting in up to millions of $ worth of asset damage.

6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM 12AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM
Now ∙ 6:45 AM

Stadium/Field A

Court/Course/Resort B

Insight In this Dashboard

severity - 2 moderate

Dry The Tracks: Wet Weather

Dry tracks to ensure better traction and safe driving conditions.

raintrack conditions

severity - 2 moderate

Increase Speed: Tailwind

Drivers can gain time with the current tail wind on the straights. Add wind direction relative to race track.


severity - 4 extreme

Consider Postponing Race: Low Visibility

Dangerous racing conditions. Schedule race for when visibility clears up.

track conditionsvisibility

severity - 4 extreme

Suspend/Delay Game: Lightning & Thunder

Suspend game due to lightning risk in close proximity of the stadium.


severity - 4 extreme

Increase Hydration: Prolonged Heat

For every hour of exercise outside in these temperatures, athletes should break for an eight-ounce cup of water every 20 minutes.


severity - 1 minor

Monitor Conditions: Poor Air Quality

Consider postponing race due to unhealthy air quality.

air qualityhealth

severity - 3 sever

Consider Postponing Event: Unhealthy Air Quality

Consider postponing events due to unhealthy air quality.

air qualityhealth

severity - 4 extreme

Prep For Tough Driving Conditions: High Winds

Heavy winds make it harder to steer and handle a vehicle, so keep a firm grip on the wheel.


Ready to make smart weather decisions?