Asset Management & Safety
Prepare assets and teams to mitigate losses and increase climate resiliency and ensure employee safety during all weather events.
Building A
Building B
Insight In this Dashboard
severity - 4 extreme
Avoid Outdoors: Hazardous Winds
Notify employees - avoid any unnecessary time outdoor. Drive safely - reduce speed and watch out for debris on road.
severity - 2 moderate
Avoid Outdoors: Unhealthy Air Quality
Notify employees - avoid unnecessary time outdoors.
severity - 4 extreme
Protect Employees and Equipment: Thunderstorm Risk
Protect equipment and move everything inside to avoid damage. All employees should be indoors until the lightning passes.
severity - 2 moderate
Sand/Salt Sidewalks and Parking Lots: Icy Conditions
Make sure that sand/salt is applied to walkways to ensure safety. Prep for snow removal.
severity - 3 sever
Secure Equipment: High Winds
Prep outdoor assets - secure all loose equipment, suspend crane operations etc. Drive safely - reduce speed and watch out for debris on road.
severity - 3 sever
Implement Extreme Heat Protocol
Notify employees - hydrate and stay in a cool place.