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Aquaculture Maintenance

Time aquaculture operations so that they correspond with relevant weather conditions and ensure the effective growth and survival of all organisms.

6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM 12AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM
Now ∙ 6:45 AM

Field A

Farm B

Insight In this Dashboard

severity - 4 extreme

Low Dissolved Oxygen Risk: Overcast

Consecutive days of overcast skies may result in stress and increased mortality from decreased nighttime dissolved oxygen concentration in ponds without aeration.


severity - 4 extreme

Decreased Productivity: Solar Radiation Risk

Monitor Conditions due to exposure to solar UV radiation. This can reduce productivity and affect reproduction leading to an increased mutation rate.


severity - 1 minor

Schedule Feed: Optimal Conditions

Conditions are good to head out for feeding or maintenance.


severity - 4 extreme

Increased Mortality Risk: Heavy Rain

Due to heavy rain, there may be an increased risk of mortality due to poor water quality and the inability to clean waste.


severity - 1 minor

Optimal Temperature Range: Coolwater Species

The air temperature has a direct impact on the water temperature which affects the activity, behavior, feeding, growth, and reproduction of all fishes. Current conditions are the general temperature ranges for cool water species.


severity - 1 minor

Optimal Temperature Range: Coldwater Species

The air temperature has a direct impact on the water temperature which affects the activity, behavior, feeding, growth, and reproduction of all fishes. Current conditions are the general temperature ranges for cold water species.


severity - 1 minor

Optimal Temperature Range: Warm Water Species

The air temperature has a direct impact on the water temperature which affects the activity, behavior, feeding, growth, and reproduction of all fishes. Current conditions are the general temperature ranges for warm water species.


severity - 4 extreme

Secure Cages and Net Pens: Extreme Winds

Heavy waves and strong storm surges may result in damage to cages. Secure accordingly.


severity - 3 sever

Reduce Feed: Rain

Start reducing food quantity to avoid contamination ahead of heavy rain.


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