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Heat Stress Prevention

Adjust workloads according to the weather and ensure safety for all outdoor workers. Properly communicate emergency systems to prevent heat-related illnesses and increase productivity.

Farmworkers are at a 20% greater risk of heat-related illness and report more heat illness workers compensation claims than any other workforce.

6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM 12AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM
Now ∙ 6:45 AM

Field A

Farm B

Insight In this Dashboard

severity - 3 sever

Increase Shade: Heat Stress Risk

Set up temporary tents to ensure workers have easy access to shade.


severity - 3 sever

Increase Water Access: Dehydration Risk

Ensure workers have access to cold water. Each worker should have access to clean water and drink one cup every twenty minutes.


severity - 3 sever

Hold Tailgate Talk: Upcoming Heat Stress Risk

Start the day with a tailgate talk and discuss best practices to ensure safety in the coming shifts. Ask workers about current symptoms to ensure they are healthy and able to start working.


severity - 3 sever

Initiate Work Break Cycle: Heat Stress Risk

Proactively schedule more frequent breaks throughout the workday. Each worker should know exactly when it is his/her turn to take a break in the shade so that not everyone breaks at once and delays work.


severity - 4 extreme

Halt Work: Extreme Heat

Temporarily stop working during these hours. Conditions are extreme and will increase the likelihood of heat stress.


severity - 4 extreme

Increase Fluid Intake: High Humidity

Encourage workers to drink more water even though they may not feel thirsty. Since the humidity is so high, workers may sweat less making it more difficult for their body temperature to cool off.


severity - 2 moderate

Schedule PPE Jobs: Low Heat Stress Risk

Schedule jobs that require personal protective equipment during this time as the temperature is cooler and poses a lower risk.


severity - 4 extreme

Monitor Conditions: Increased Heat Exposure

Raise awareness and monitor conditions during these hours as the current temperature at this time of the day makes for extremely difficult working conditions.


severity - 4 extreme

Conduct Monitoring: Extreme Heat

Prepare to conduct physiological monitoring and check workers' pulse and body temperature.


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