Environmental: Solar Energy Optimization
Monitor weather conditions to maximize asset production, reduce carbon footprint and increase shareholder value. Protect valuable assets from weather-related risks and ensure safe working conditions for employees.
Companies using coal-powered electricity sources have a carbon footprint 20x the size of those using solar panels.
Insight In this Dashboard
severity - 4 extreme
Avoid Outdoors: Unhealthy Air Quality
Avoid unnecessary outdoor maintenance and limit employee time outside due to poor air quality.
severity - 4 extreme
Implement Extreme Cold Protocol: Low Temps
Prepare staff for heavy snow. Snow removal is required. Ensure employees are working with caution during low visibility. Avoid unnecessary outdoor maintenance.
severity - 3 sever
Monitor Conditions: Heavy Rain
Prep employees for heavy rain protocol. Due to the low visibility, confirm that the area is clear before performing dangerous maintenance. Avoid unnecessary outdoor maintenance.
severity - 2 moderate
Position Panels Properly: High Energy Production
High solar radiation, make sure panels are positioned properly.
severity - 3 sever
Stow Solar Field: Extreme Wind Gusts
Stow the solar field and bring solar collectors to the defense position to protect against extreme wind gusts.
severity - 3 sever
Stow Solar Field: High Wind
Stow the solar field and bring solar collectors to the defense position to protect against severe wind.
severity - 3 sever
Schedule Maintenance: Low Energy Production
Skies are covered with clouds and solar radiation is low. This is a good time for maintenance.
severity - 4 extreme
Protect Equipment and Seek Shelter: Hail Risk
Ensure staff seeks shelter. Wait for hail to weaken before sending teams out to the field. Protect assets if possible.
severity - 4 extreme
High Risk: Lightning & Thunder
Monitor lightning activity, motion, directionality, and speed 15 and 30 minutes into the future, based on distance from the location.
severity - 4 extreme
Monitor Conditions: Lightning Risk
Prep teams and avoid any unnecessary outdoor work. High risk for lightning in the area.
severity - 1 minor
Schedule Maintenance: Optimal Conditions
Ideal weather conditions for solar panel maintenance.