Summer Operations
Take extra precautions to ensure your drone and batteries are prepared to fly in the summer heat.
Replacing your drone equipment due to damage caused by heat can cost 28% of a new drone's value.
Destination A
Destination B
Insight In this Dashboard
severity - 4 extreme
Wipe Off Drone Between flights: High Humidity
Humidity can cause your drone to come back damp with moisture. Wipe down drone after or between flights with a towel.
severity - 1 minor
Check Camera Equipment: High Heat Index
Make sure your camera is not exposed directly to sun. Due to the high temperature the camera can shutdown mid-flight.
severity - 3 sever
Do Not Fly Consumer Drones: Extreme Heat
Temperature is above 104. Only operate enterprise drones with advanced operating temperature
severity - 2 moderate
Store Equipment Inside: High Heat Index
Store drone equipment in a secure, cool location. Do not leave in outdoor storage.
severity - 4 extreme
Do Not Fly: Rainy Day Ahead
Heavy rainfall expected throughout the day can ruin your drone and equipment.
severity - 1 minor
Plan Shorter Flights: High Humidity
Maximize your battery life by taking a shorter flight. Let the battery cool off before next flight.
severity - 1 minor
Consider A Visual Observer: Demanding Weather Conditions
Pilot may experience difficulties controlling UAV due to wind speeds. An extra set of eye can help navigate.