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Flight Scheduling

Simplify Go-No-Go decisions using reliable and accurate data and insights to understand whether your flight is safe to take off.

Avoid wasting thousands of dollars per job due to unsuccessful flights.

6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM 12AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM
Now ∙ 6:45 AM

Destination A

Destination B

Insight In this Dashboard

severity - 2 moderate

Prep For Image Taking: Ideal Flying Conditions

Winds are low, should be easy to stabilize drone. Visibility is high, image quality should be great.


severity - 4 extreme

No Go: High Winds

High winds are expected along flying route.


severity - 4 extreme

No Go: Low Cloud Base

Cloud base is lower than 1000ft. Flight is restricted due to low visibility along flying route.


severity - 4 extreme

No Go: Low Visibility

Low visibility is expected along flying route.


severity - 4 extreme

No Go: Precipitation

Precipitation is expected along flying route.


severity - 4 extreme

No Go: Temp Out Of Range

Temperature is outside the limits. In high temps the drone battery gradually expands and can eventually explode


severity - 2 moderate

Take Off Facing North: Low Winds

Low North winds make it easier to lift facing North


severity - 3 sever

Consider Abort: Icing Risk

Consider aborting activity to prevent drone damage. Cold temperatures in conjunction with humidity can result in icing.


severity - 4 extreme

No Go: Hail Risk

No drone flying - activities prohibited, protect all assets and seek cover.


severity - 2 moderate

Monitor Conditions: Increasing Winds

Sustained wind near limits, be prepared to cease operations if conditions escalate.


severity - 4 extreme

No Go: Lightning And Thunder Risk

Do not fly. Activities are prohibited until lightning risk passes. protect all assets and seek cover.

asset protectionlightningsafetythunder

Ready to make smart weather decisions?