Offshore Rig Operations
Manage high risk thresholds for operational efficiency. Ensure drilling and extracting are on schedule, optimize staffing needs and maintain the highest standard of safety for all employees.
1 week of delay, could affect major shippers and cost companies as much as $7.5 million
Station #1
Station #2
Insight In this Dashboard
severity - 4 extreme
Prep For Potential Evacuation: Extreme Winds
Monitor conditions closely and prep for escalation. As the storm gets closer, all personnel should be evacuated from the drilling rigs and platforms, and production is shut in. Drill-ships may relocate to a safe location.
severity - 3 sever
Implement Extreme Cold Protocol: Low Temps
Winterize machinery and check for frozen pipes and other sensitive instruments. Brief employees for general weather safety operations (frost bite, hypothermia, slipping on ice, etc.).
severity - 4 extreme
Suspend Operations: Lightning & Thunder Risk
All staff should seek shelter. Monitor lightning activity, motion, directionality and speed 15 and 30 minutes into the future, based on distance from location.
severity - 3 sever
Work With Caution: High Winds
High winds may knock over equipment and result in injuries and damage. Make sure all equipment is properly secured.
severity - 3 sever
Implement Snow Operations Protocol
Snow is expected. Salt surfaces and avoid any unnecessary work outdoors. Plan for slowing down operations until conditions improve.
severity - 3 sever
Avoid Outdoors: Unhealthy Air Quality
Avoid un-necessary outdoor maintenance and limit employee time outside.
severity - 3 sever
Monitor Conditions: Heavy Rain
Prep staff for heavy rain. Low visibility, confirm area is clear before performing dangerous maintenance. Avoid unnecessary outdoor maintenance.
severity - 2 moderate
Monitor Conditions: Moderate Rain
Prep staffing towards escalation in weather conditions
severity - 4 extreme
Halt Outdoor Activity: Extreme Heat Index
Alert workers of extreme heat hazards. Establish water drinking schedule (about 4 cups/hour). Develop and enforce protective work/rest schedules. Conduct physiological monitoring (e.g., pulse, temperature, etc).
severity - 1 minor
Prep Employees For Heat: Moderate Heat Index
Provide employees with drinking water and ensure that adequate medical services are available in vehicle. Encourage workers to wear sunscreen. Acclimatize workers. If workers must wear heavy protective clothing, perform strenuous activity or work in the direct sun, additional precautions are recommended to protect workers from heat-related illness.
severity - 1 minor
Schedule Maintenance: Optimal Conditions
Ideal weather conditions for solar panel maintenance.