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Heat-Health Watch System

Implement a robust adaption plan to manage heatwave situations and ensure all health departments have the most efficient response processes in place.

Every year in the US, 65,574 emergency room visits are caused by heat exposure. A heat health watch system ensures efficient operational practices and reduces heat-related hospital costs by $17,481 each summer.

6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM 12AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM
Now ∙ 6:45 AM

Pharmacy A

Hospital B

Insight In this Dashboard

severity - 1 minor

Prepare Heatwave Safety Plan

Increase awareness for heat-related health issues that may arise during the summer heat by continuously educating staff and patients. Monitor buildings to ensure they are prepared to cope with energy needs.


severity - 2 moderate

Implement Level 1 Heatwave Plan

Ensure all hospital thermometers are monitored four times a day. Temperatures throughout the hospital must not exceed 26°C. Identify cool areas and rooms with a temperature below 26C for high-risk patients. Ensure there is enough staff available on-call in the event of increased hospitalizations. Increase heat safety awareness for high-risk individuals.


severity - 3 sever

Implement Level 2 Heatwave Plan

Continue with level 1 responsibilities and increase staff on the ground. Make sure there is enough water and ice available throughout the hospital. Prepare identified cool rooms and areas for patients.


severity - 3 sever

Implement Level 3 Heatwave Plan

Continue with level 1 and 2 safety procedures. In addition, provide access to cold drinks everywhere throughout the hospital. Move vulnerable patients into designated cool rooms/areas. Consider moving normal operating hours to the evening in order to keep the area cool in the afternoon without overcrowding. Reduce internal temperatures by turning off non-essential light and electrical equipment.


severity - 4 extreme

Implement Level 4 Heatwave Plan

Declare an emergency and increase all procedures followed during levels 1-3. All individuals are at great risk of all heat-related illnesses.


severity - 3 sever

Increased Risk: Heat Rash

Increased risk of heat rash emergency cases. Ensure proper medication and ointments are available.


severity - 3 sever

Implement Level 2 Heatwave Night Plan

Implement a level 2 safety plan during the night hours as well. Keep windows closed during the night so that the building can remain cool. Heat through the night will not offer relief from the heatwave during the day.


severity - 3 sever

Increased Risk: Heat Cramps and Exhaustion

Increased risk of emergency visits caused by heat cramps and exhaustion. Ensure quick and efficient treatment in order to avoid rapid development into heatstroke.


severity - 3 sever

Increased Risk: Heatstroke

Increased risk of heatstroke emergency cases with patients having body temperature exceeding 40C for anywhere between 45 minutes to 8 hours. Ensure proper equipment is available for treatment.


severity - 4 extreme

Bring Workers Inside: Extreme Heat

Inform employers to bring all outside workers indoors. Extreme heat puts all outdoor workers at risk of heat-related illnesses.


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