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Early Warning System: Heatwave

Over 5 billion people across the world live in areas where heatwaves can be forecast in advance, meaning there is plenty of time to prepare, take action and save lives. Minimize health consequences by monitoring at-risk locations and alerting vulnerable populations with proactive preventative measures.

For every $1 invested in early warning systems for local, national, and regional institutions, $6 is returned in benefits.

6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM 12AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM
Now ∙ 6:45 AM

City A

City B

Insight In this Dashboard

severity - 2 moderate

Implement Safety Plan: Level 1 Heatwave

Risk Knowledge: Currently there is a low heat index. Summer heat levels will soon start to pose health-related risks for the general public. Communicate Risk: Local officials, hospital workers, residents. Response Capability: Increase awareness about health-related issues and steps that can be taken to reduce risk (i.e: monitor indoor thermometers, education programs, public announcements, etc.)


severity - 3 sever

Issue Alert: Level 2 Heatwave

Risk Knowledge: Currently there is a moderate heat index. Heat may be tolerable for the general public but health concerns may escalate for vulnerable people. Communicate Risk: Local officials, hospital workers, residents. Response Capability: Increase awareness efforts related to avoiding heat exposure. Ensure outdoor activities are monitored closely and shade is provided in public areas.


severity - 3 sever

Action Required: Level 3 Heatwave

Risk Knowledge: There is currently a high heat index. Temperatures have exceeded heat thresholds. Communicate Risk: Local officials, hospital workers, residents, outdoor workers. Response Capability: Ensure extreme outdoor activity is limited for non-essential workers. Continue educating the general public about measures to avoid dehydration, sun exposure, heat stroke, or heat cramps.


severity - 4 extreme

Emergency Alert: Level 4 Heatwave

Risk Knowledge: Temperatures have exceeded extreme heat thresholds. Communicate Risk: Local officials, hospital workers, residents, outdoor workers. Response Capability: Ensure extreme outdoor activity is canceled for non-essential workers. Ensure the general public is aware of the emergency state and imminent danger of current temperatures. Increase measures to avoid hospitalizations for dehydration, sun exposure, heatstroke, or heat cramps.


severity - 1 minor

Monitor Conditions: Normal Heat

Temperatures are normal for the season. No cautionary action is currently needed other than ensuring there are efforts to increase public awareness of the potential heat-related risk that may arise throughout the summer months.


severity - 4 extreme

Issue Night Alert: Level 2 Heat

Risk Knowledge: Temperatures will remain high even after sunset. Communicate Risk: local officials, hospitals, residents. Response capability: Ensure residents are staying indoors and staying hydrated. Heat will continue throughout after dark and therefore nighttime will not offer cool relief.


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