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Wave Height – Beaufort Scale

The Beaufort scale is an empirical measure that relates wind speed to observed conditions at sea or land, and can be translated to wave height.

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6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM 12AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM
Now ∙ 6:45 AM

City A

City B

Insight In this Dashboard

severity - 1 minor

Beaufort 0 – Wave Height 0

Sea like a mirror.

wave height

severity - 1 minor

Beaufort 1 – Wave Height 0.1m

Ripples with the appearance of scales are formed, but without foam crests.

ripplesscaleswave heightwinds

severity - 1 minor

Beaufort 2 – Wave Height 0.2-0.3m

Small wavelets, still short, but more pronounced. Crests have a glassy appearance and do not break.

crestsripplesscaleswave heightwinds

severity - 1 minor

Beaufort 3 – Wave Height 0.6-1m

Large wavelets. Crests begin to break. Foam of glassy appearance. Perhaps scattered white horses.

crestsripplesscaleswave heightwhite horseswinds

severity - 2 moderate

Beaufort 4 – Wave Height 1-1.5m

Small waves, becoming larger; fairly frequent white horses.

crestsripplesscaleswave heightwhite horseswinds

severity - 2 moderate

Beaufort 5 – Wave Height 2-2.5m

Moderate waves, taking a more pronounced long form; many white horses are formed.

crestsripplesscaleswave heightwhite horseswinds

severity - 2 moderate

Beaufort 6 – Wave Height 3-4m

Large waves begin to form; the white foam crests are more extensive everywhere.

crestsripplesscaleswave heightwhite horseswinds

severity - 3 sever

Beaufort 8 – Wave Height 5.5-7.5m

Moderately high waves of greater length; edges of crests begin to break into spindrift. The foam is blown in well-marked streaks along the direction of the wind.

crestsripplesscalessea heapswave heightwhite horseswinds

severity - 3 sever

Beaufort 9 – Wave Height 7-10m

High waves. Dense streaks of foam along the direction of the wind. Crests of waves begin to topple, tumble and roll over. Spray may affect visibility

crestsripplesrolloverscalessea heapsspraywave heightwhite horseswinds

severity - 4 extreme

Beaufort 10 – Wave Height 9-12.5m

Very high waves with long overhanging crests. The resulting foam, in great patches, is blown in dense white streaks along the direction of the wind. On the whole the surface of the sea takes on a white appearance. The tumbling of the sea becomes heavy and shock-like. Visibility affected.

crestsripplesrolloverscalessea heapssprayvisibilitywave heightwhite horseswinds

severity - 4 extreme

Beaufort 11 – Wave Height 11.5-16m

Exceptionally high waves (small and medium-size ships might be for a time lost to view behind the waves). The sea is completely covered with long white patches of foam lying along the direction of the wind. Everywhere the edges of the wave crests are blown into froth. Visibility affected.

crestsripplesrolloverscalesseasea heapssprayvisibilitywave heightwhite horseswinds

severity - 4 extreme

Beaufort 12 – Wave Height 16m+

The air is filled with foam and spray. Sea completely white with driving spray; visibility very seriously affected.

crestsripplesrolloverscalessea heapssprayvisibilitywave heightwhite horseswinds

severity - 3 sever

Beaufort 7 – Wave Height 4-5.5m

Sea heaps up and white foam from breaking waves begins to be blown in streaks along the direction of the wind.

crestsripplesscalessea heapswave heightwhite horseswinds

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