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Apron Parking Safety

Improve collaborative decision making during inclement weather to reduce the risk of accidents and mitigate disruption on the apron area.

An estimated 80% of all airport accidents occur at the gate and apron area, costing leading air carriers around $4 billion worth of damage each year.

6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM 12AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM
Now ∙ 6:45 AM



Insight In this Dashboard

severity - 4 extreme

Monitor Conditions: Lightning & Thunder Risk

Prep teams. Monitor lightning activity, motion, directionality and speed 15 and 30 minutes into the future, based on distance from location. Receive cloud to ground alerts.


severity - 2 moderate

Implement High Wind Procedures: Stage 1

1. Secure all aircraft parking brakes, wheels, and equipment. Ensure doors are closed and that nothing is outside of the aircraft perimeter. 2. Discontinue use of TAIL STANDS and Stow PC Air House. 3. Ensure the tow bar and pushback tractor are secured before moving the jet bridge to the aircraft. 4. Do not position any ULD weighing less than 300 lbs on a cargo loader. 5. Confirm that parking and emergency braking systems are fully operational.

cross windssafety

severity - 3 sever

Implement High Wind Procedures: Stage 2

1. Secure all aircraft parking brakes, wheels, and equipment. Ensure doors are closed and that nothing is outside of the aircraft perimeter. 2. Discontinue use of TAIL STANDS and Stow PC Air House. 3. Ensure the tow bar and pushback tractor are secured before moving the jet bridge to the aircraft. 4. Do not position any ULD weighing less than 300 lbs on a cargo loader. 5. Confirm that parking and emergency braking systems are fully operational. 6. Suspend loading passengers and remove all equipment staged on all aircraft

safety operationswinds

severity - 4 extreme

Implement High Wind Procedures: Stage 3

1. Secure all aircraft parking brakes, wheels, and equipment. Ensure doors are closed and that nothing is outside of the aircraft perimeter. 2. Discontinue use of TAIL STANDS and Stow PC Air House. 3. Ensure the tow bar and pushback tractor are secured before moving the jet bridge to the aircraft. 4. Do not position any ULD weighing less than 300 lbs on a cargo loader. 5. Confirm that parking and emergency braking systems are fully operational. 6. Suspend loading passengers and remove all equipment staged on all aircraft

cross windsparkingsafety

severity - 4 extreme

Stop All Non-Essential Journeys On The Apron: Low Visibility

Implement low visibility protocol: Ensure all non essential vehicles and personnel have been removed from the apron. Bring RFFS to standby mode for all aircraft operations. Pilots must proceed with extreme caution and operate with dipped headlights and fog lights. Prepare for sudden appearance of an aircraft entering a stand. Operations ADM’s must prepare for potential delays.


severity - 1 minor

Wind Direction: S

Landing into the opposing wind lets pilots make a slower approach, offering a safer landing.

safety operationswinds

severity - 1 minor

Wind Direction: N

Landing into the opposing wind lets pilots make a slower approach, offering a safer landing.


severity - 1 minor

Wind Direction: E

Landing into the opposing wind lets pilots make a slower approach, offering a safer landing.


severity - 1 minor

Wind Direction: W

Landing into the opposing wind lets pilots make a slower approach, offering a safer landing.


severity - 1 minor

Wind Direction: SW

Landing into the opposing wind lets pilots make a slower approach, offering a safer landing.

safety operationswinds

severity - 1 minor

Wind Direction: SE

Landing into the opposing wind lets pilots make a slower approach, offering a safer landing.

cross winds

Ready to make smart weather decisions?