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Demand Forecasting

Improve operations and ETAs and ensure supply/demand needs are being met.

Weather events are responsible for 23% of all road delays and cost delivery companies up to $3.5 billion annually.

6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM 12AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM
Now ∙ 6:45 AM

Destination A

Destination B

Insight In this Dashboard

severity - 2 moderate

High Demand: Unhealthy Air Quality

Expect increase in demand.


severity - 2 moderate

Monitor Conditions: Drizzle

Expect deliveries demand to increase, staff and prep accordingly. Monitor conditions to be ready for escalation.

demandinventory managementrain

severity - 1 minor

Monitor Conditions: Light Snow

High demand expected. Increase staffing, stock ahead of time for enough "cold weather" goods and communicate on delayed ETAs if needed.


severity - 4 extreme

High Demand: Extreme Cold

High demand expected! Consider offering incentives for drivers. Communicate to customers on delayed ETAs. Send notifications to customers: "order soup buy 1 get 1 free", "don't forget to tip your driver for picking you up in these challenging road conditions."


severity - 4 extreme

High Demand: Extreme Heat

High demand expected! increase staffing and stock ahead of time for enough "hot weather" goods.


severity - 3 sever

Demand Rising: Moderate Rain

High demand expected. Increase staffing, stock ahead of time for enough "rainy weather" goods and communicate on delayed ETAs if needed.


severity - 4 extreme

Monitor Roads: Major Flood Risk

Expect major delivery delays due to road blockage. Communicate with customers and drivers ASAP. Consider limiting amount of orders. Major river and/or flash flooding is possible. Prepare for major transportation disruptions and significant business impacts.


severity - 3 sever

Demand Rising: High Winds

Expect an increase in demand due to uncomfortable conditions outdoors. Instruct drivers to drive safely.


severity - 4 extreme

Monitor Conditions: Lightning & Thunder Risk

Monitor conditions due to lightning risk. Ensure drivers are safe by modifying ETAs according to risk. Expect demand to rise.

severity - 3 sever

High Demand: Heavy Rain

High demand expected! Consider offering incentives for drivers. Communicate to customers on delayed ETAs. Send notifications to customers: "order soup buy 1 get 1 free", "don't forget to tip your driver for picking you up in these challenging road conditions."


severity - 3 sever

Monitor Roads: Moderate Flood Risk

Expect delivery delays due to road blockage. Communicate with customers and drivers ASAP, consider limiting amount of orders.

customerdelaysdeliveryfloodsroad conditions

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