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Track Buckling & Broken Rails

Manage train car weights and planned routes in advance to avoid track damage, buckling, and major delays.

New track construction costs $1.5 million per mile

6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM 12AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM
Now ∙ 6:45 AM

Station #1

Station #2

Insight In this Dashboard

severity - 4 extreme

Brittle Risk: Extreme Cold

Extremely low temperatures may result in brittle track, increasing the risk of breakage.

coldtrack conditions

severity - 3 sever

Check Tracks: Elevated Soil Saturation

Send employees to evaluate track bending. Consider reducing speed or stopping trains to avoid track damage or derailment. *Different soil types have different soil saturation thresholds, be sure to adjust according to your location.

communicationderailmentspeedtrack management

severity - 4 extreme

Monitor Tracks: Major Flood Risk

Rail inspection needed, check for track damage, stop train or reroute and monitor flooding. Major river and/or flash flooding possible. Major disruptions to transportation, along with significant impacts to homes/businesses.

floodsreroutetrack damage

severity - 4 extreme

Check Tracks: Rain Accumulation

Heavy rain has accumulated on tracks. Check conditions and ensure proper drainage.

rainrisktrack damage

severity - 4 extreme

Monitor Tracks: Moderate Flood Risk

Rail inspection needed. Moderate flash flooding possible. Rivers experiencing flooding conditions with minor impacts to homes and businesses.

floodstrack damagetrack management

severity - 4 extreme

Kinks Risk: Extreme Heat

The current temperature of the steel tracks can rise sharply making them expand into wavelike shapes. High potential for derailment.

heattrack conditions

severity - 2 moderate

Switch Heaters: OFF

Turn off track switch heater.

switch heaterstrack management

severity - 2 moderate

Switch Heaters: ON

Turn on track switch heater.

switch heaterstrack management

severity - 4 extreme

Clear Tracks: Snow Accumulation

Snow removal needed. The buildup of snow and ice on the tracks can result in broken rails due to extreme cold.

snowtrack conditions

Ready to make smart weather decisions?