Hear the Story Behind Tomorrow.io's Breakthroughs in our New Documentary 'Resilience Now.' Watch It Now

By Tomorrow.io
Jul 9, 2020· 1 min

Webinar: How Energy Companies Save Money with Weather-Driven Insights


Storms always pose a threat to energy companies. With high winds, lightning, and even flooding, a strong enough storm can damage power lines and leave customers in the dark for hours or even days.

The team at Evergy knows this all too well. In our recent webinar, Carol Baxter, Manager – Emergency Response at Evergy, shared how her team moves beyond the forecast, using weather intelligence to quickly adapt to incoming storms.

evergy emergency response Tomorrow.io

During a storm event, Baxter is responsible for ensuring the company is adhering to storm policies and procedures to safely and quickly restore power to their customers across Kansas and Missouri. She explained how costly it can be to be caught flat footed by a storm, and that’s exactly why she always keeps her eye on her weather dashboard.

In this exclusive webinar, Carol Baxter shares how Tomorrow.io helps her:

  • Reduce SAIDI & SAIFI & CAIDI
  • Improve operational efficiency in coordination of storm response
  • Keep staff safe in risky weather conditions
  • Communicate effectively with the team in advance of potential outages

Watch the webinar replay now. 

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