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By Tomorrow.io
Jul 18, 2018· 2 min

IMHO: The Best Parts of HyperCast Aviation

Eran Hollander, Chief Product Officer, CilmaCell

Yesterday, we launched a new product called HyperCastâ„¢ Aviation. Built for aviation customers such as airlines and airports,  this product can do everything that the original HyperCastâ„¢ can do, but has many exciting new features just for airline and airport operations teams. For example, JetBlue Airways has rolled out HyperCast Aviation across its top hubs, and is using it to increase efficiency and cut costs. There are so many great features that it’s hard to choose the best one, but in this post, I’ll highlight some of my favorites and what they do for our customers. 

  1. Lightning – see it seconds after a strike.  This is super important to aviation but also other clients as there are operational implications on the ground.
  2. Lightning threat forecast – we show you where lightning is most likely to advance in the next 30 minutes, using our proprietary models. This means you can do more than just act ad-hoc when a lightningstrikes, but anticipate where lightning WILL be and act accordingly.
  3. Lightning alerts in custom locations – you can receive an alert every time lightning strikes within your risk perimeters around your location. Stay tuned for lightning threat forecasts alerts in an update soon.
  4. Planes, planes, planes! With our airplane layer, you can see all the planes in the US in flight and get their flight information, including arrival time, delays, speed, and altitude. Very soon, you’ll be able to see them on the ground, as well and better manage their gates, departures, time on tarmac and more.
  5. Hub status: With our hub status, you can see all the necessary information about your airport of interest. This includes the number of flights that are on time, delayed, or cancelled, weather parameters as the weather unfolds in real time, METAR, TAF, and even alerts if METAR is experiencing delays in information processing.

HyperCast Aviation is also in use at other major airlines and airports. Some of the other benefits include a Nowcast platform that provides predictions every minute over six hours, the ability to track low-altitude weather, and the ability to zoom in on weather down to the street level (a 500 meter area). This helps customers make critical decisions around timing of delays/cancellations/de-icing, etc., guide take-off/landing decisions, and decisions around which flights may be diverted because of weather. 

Check it out now! 

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