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By Tomorrow.io
Dec 12, 2017· 1 min

Visualizing Big Weather Data for Friendlier Skies — and Happier Fliers

Nobody wants to be stuck on a runway during a snowstorm, counting the endless minutes and wondering when some faceless corporate entity will clear them for takeoff.

It’s no surprise that airline customers are unhappier when they experience flight delays caused by external factors like weather than on routine flights. Research has shown that customers are least satisfied when they attribute blame for the delay to the service provider. And although it seems illogical, one look at Twitter shows airlines getting blamed for weather delays every day.

So what can airlines do to to avoid taking the heat for weather delays and increase customer satisfaction during severe weather? The latest weather technology may hold the key at the gate and on the tarmac.

If boarding is delayed due to an impending storm, give customers a window into your decision-making — display your live-streaming HyperCast weather map at the gate and invite customers to watch the storm’s progress.

If taxi or take-off is delayed with passengers on board and waiting on the tarmac, display your real-time HyperCast weather map inside the cabin with airport-specific conditions.

Use HyperCast’s alerts feature to send your Frequent Fliers real-time text-message alerts with the latest update on winter weather conditions at their origin or their destination.

Communicate your proactive stance in the face of severe weather — make announcements letting customers know that you’ll take off the minute that it’s safe to do so, and back it up by showing them the most accurate, minute-by-minute weather forecast that they’ve ever seen. Schedule a demo today to learn more!

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