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By Tomorrow.io
Nov 2, 2021· 4 min

AirRated announces partnership with the world’s leading weather intelligence platform, Tomorrow.io

Air Quality Hero

Boston, MA — AirRated, creator of the global benchmark for indoor air quality (IAQ), has announced a new partnership with Tomorrow.io that will allow AirRated to use the US-based weather technology company’s hyperlocal, real-time weather data in its IAQ modeling. 

The three-year partnership will give AirRated access to enhanced data on outdoor air quality. By combining Tomorrow.io’s data with its own indoor air quality data, AirRated can better optimize buildings through a detailed understanding of the outdoor air in their locality. 

It has been assumed that air outside will be better than that indoors; or conversely, that indoor spaces in heavily polluted areas are protected from the pollution outdoors. Neither of these assumptions is correct. The exchange of air is intrinsically linked, meaning one cannot be improved while the other is ignored. Indoor spaces are often far more polluted than many people realize, and long-term exposure to these pollutants can cause serious health issues.

Tomorrow.io’s weather intelligence platform is used by hundreds of enterprise companies and tens of thousands of developers. The US-based company has raised more than $250 million in funding since 2016 and will soon launch a constellation of small satellites to provide a new level of forecasting capability across the globe. The company also recently announced a $19.3 million contract with the U.S. Air Force and was selected by ITV as its weather partner, providing actionable insights and map layers with minute-by-minute weather data in real-time.

Francesca Brady, CEO of AirRated, said: 

“The pandemic has provoked more discussions around the need for good indoor air quality as workers are returning to shared workspaces and offices. The focus has always been on outdoor air quality but our partnership with Tomorrow.io will finally combine the two and enable us to monitor how indoor air quality differs in specific areas depending on the outdoor air quality.” 

“The pandemic has provoked more discussions around the need to understand the quality of indoor spaces, knowing what impacts them and how to improve and maintain them, as workers are returning to shared workspaces and offices. There has historically been much greater focus on outdoor air quality but there has certainly been a shift to the indoor environment in the past 18 months. A struggle with outdoor air quality monitoring, to date, has been the sparseness and intermittency of data; modeling provides the ideal solution to bridge this gap. Our partnership with Tomorrow.io will combine both outdoor and indoor data and enable us to accurately evaluate how indoor air quality differs in specific areas depending on the outdoor air quality.”

The AirScore is a simple and reliable measure that provides the industry standard for Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in the built environment. The latest sensor technology is used to monitor five key parameters for IAQ: humidity, temperature, PM2.5, VOCs, and carbon dioxide and after a three-week monitoring period AirRated then awards an AirScore to buildings at one of four levels: Platinum, Gold, Silver or Certified. 

AirRated also provides assistance to clients on how they communicate the quality of their space and educates occupiers on the importance of IAQ as well as best practice use of space. Some practical applications include monitoring CO2 in meeting rooms and advising users to ventilate the space or find an alternative venue if levels exceed acceptable limits.

About AirRated

AirRated is the global benchmark for Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). Using the latest sensor technology, AirRated collects detailed information about IAQ, then grades it based on leading medical research and industry best practice. This process is summarised in a building’s AirScore.

The AirScore is a simple and reliable measure for Indoor Air Quality in the built environment. The latest sensor technology is used to monitor five key parameters for IAQ: humidity, temperature, PM2.5, TVOCs and carbon dioxide. Following a three-week monitoring period, the AirScore is determined to give an industry-leading analysis of a building’s indoor health.

About Tomorrow.io 

Tomorrow.io is the world’s leading Weather Intelligence Platform™, helping countries, businesses, and individuals manage their climate security challenges. Fully customizable to any industry impacted by the weather, customers around the world including Uber, Delta, Ford, National Grid, and more use Tomorrow.io to dramatically improve operational efficiency. Tomorrow.io was built from the ground up to help teams predict the business impact of weather, streamline team communication and action plans, improve productivity, and optimize profit margins.

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