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Irrigation Management

Evaluating weather conditions for irrigation scheduling, equipment modification, and inspections can help reduce contamination of water resources and prevent damage.

Professional irrigation management services can help households decrease water use by 15%, saving 9,000 gallons of water each year.

6AM 7AM 8AM 9AM 10AM 11AM 12PM 1PM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM 8PM 9PM 10PM 11PM 12AM 1AM 2AM 3AM 4AM 5AM
Now ∙ 6:45 AM

Insight In this Dashboard

severity - 3 sever

Schedule Irrigation Inspection: Ideal Conditions

Plan to send out crew members to inspect systems and schedule repairs if needed.


severity - 4 extreme

Irrigation Needed: Dry Conditions

Ensure irrigation systems are running. Soil is dry and needs to be replenished.


severity - 3 sever

Do Not Irrigate: Rain

Do not irrigate until top two inches of soil are dry.


severity - 4 extreme

Cancel Irrigation Operations: Heavy Rain

Ensure irrigation systems are turned off.


severity - 2 moderate

Begin Winterizing System: Low Temps

Temperatures are beginning to drop. Ensure systems are clean and ready for winter.

winterwinter operations

severity - 3 sever

Cancel Operations: Flood Risk

Don't send out crew members, flash flooding is possible.


severity - 4 extreme

Prep Teams: Lightning and Thunder Risk

Cease operations if needed. Seek shelter. Monitor lightning activity, motion, directionality, and speed 15 and 30 minutes into the future, based on distance from the location.


severity - 3 sever

Do Not Irrigate: Rain Accumulation

Do not irrigate until the top two inches of soil are dry.


Ready to make smart weather decisions?