Weather Intelligence for Automotive
A safer, more efficient ride — both in the cabin and on the road — no matter the weather.

Fewer accidents due to weather-related causes
Less energy consumption
Cleaner In-cabin air quality
Everything your operation needs in one platform
Integrated weather alerts
Integrate weather data directly into your vehicle operating system.
Everything your operation needs in one platform
A better driving experience
Improve driver safety, in-cabin air quality, routing efficiency, and much more.

Everything your operation needs in one platform
Safer route planning
Help drivers anticipate and re-route in advance of dangerous weather.
Everything your operation needs in one platform
See the immediate impact of the weather – at every location
Use’s API to integrate weather and air quality data into any vehicle application. Offer safer re-routing with weather-informed GPS, optimize HVAC systems to ensure the safest in-cabin air quality, and more.
Everything your operation needs in one platform
Alert drivers of upcoming weather risks immediately
Send out automated alerts via your vehicle operating system when the weather exceeds any of your custom-set parameters — snow, ice, rain, wind, or any other weather that impacts road conditions. NextGenFully customizable Automotive templates
Get started quickly
“High-definition weather information supports multiple mobility and Autonomous Vehicle initiatives, including route planning.”